最新消息: 新版网站上线了!!!


anon-access = none
auth-access = write
password-db = passwd
authz-db = authz
realm = My Subversion Repository

/conf/authz 里面的内容
# User defined in group
admin = boss, sysadmin
phpteam = php1, php2, php3
rubyteam = ruby1, ruby2
# SVN root should only be access by boss and system admin
@admin = rw
* =
# Main web repository should only be access by boss and system admin, others cannot read/write at all
# By specifying svn path, we need to list which user/group who can and cannot access
@admin = rw
* =
# PHP project repository can only be access by php developer, boss and sys admin
# By specifying svnrep: directive, we just need to list which user/group who can access
# Others will automatically rejected
@phpteam = rw
@admin = rw
# Ruby project repository can only be access by Ruby developer, boss and sys admin
# By specifying svnrep: directive, we just need to list which user/group who can access
# Others will automatically rejected
@rubyteam = rw
@admin = rw

转载请注明:谷谷点程序 » linux下svn定义权限的简单例子