Python金融大数据分析 完整版 中文pdf扫描版[42MB]下载
ʹÓõ½µÄ¿â£ºxlrd ºÍ pymysql £¨Èç¹ûÐèҪдµ½excel¿ÉÒÔʹÓÃxlwt£©
import xlrd import pymysql # import importlib # importlib.reload(sys) #³öÏÖÄØreload´íÎóʹÓà def open_excel(): try: book = xlrd.open_workbook("XX.xlsx") #ÎļþÃû£¬°ÑÎļþÓëpyÎļþ·ÅÔÚͬһĿ¼Ï except: print("open excel file failed!") try: sheet = book.sheet_by_name("sheetÃû³Æ") #execlÀïÃæµÄworksheet1 return sheet except: print("locate worksheet in excel failed!") #Á¬½ÓÊý¾Ý¿â try: db = pymysql.connect(host="",user="root", passwd="XXX", db="XXX", charset='utf8') except: print("could not connect to mysql server") def search_count(): cursor = db.cursor() select = "select count(id) from XXXX" #»ñÈ¡±íÖÐxxxxx¼Ç¼Êý cursor.execute(select) #Ö´ÐÐsqlÓï¾ä line_count = cursor.fetchone() print(line_count[0]) def insert_deta(): sheet = open_excel() cursor = db.cursor() for i in range(1, sheet.nrows): #µÚÒ»ÐÐÊDZêÌâÃû£¬¶ÔÓ¦±íÖеÄ×Ö¶ÎÃûËùÒÔÓ¦¸Ã´ÓµÚ¶þÐпªÊ¼£¬¼ÆËã»úÒÔ0¿ªÊ¼¼ÆÊý£¬ËùÒÔÖµÊÇ1 name = sheet.cell(i,0).value #È¡µÚiÐеÚ0ÁÐ data = sheet.cell(i,1).value#È¡µÚiÐеÚ1ÁУ¬ÏÂÃæÒÀ´ÎÀàÍÆ print(name) print(data) value = (name,data) print(value) sql = "INSERT INTO XXX(name,data)VALUES(%s,%s)" cursor.execute(sql,value) #Ö´ÐÐsqlÓï¾ä db.commit() cursor.close() #¹Ø±ÕÁ¬½Ó insert_deta() db.close()#¹Ø±ÕÊý¾Ý print ("ok ")
import pymysql import xlrd # Á¬½ÓÊý¾Ý¿â try: db = pymysql.connect(host="", user="root", passwd="XXX", db="XXX", charset='utf8') except: print("could not connect to mysql server") def open_excel(): try: book = xlrd.open_workbook("XXX.xlsx") #ÎļþÃû£¬°ÑÎļþÓëpyÎļþ·ÅÔÚͬһĿ¼Ï except: print("open excel file failed!") try: sheet = book.sheet_by_name("XXX") #execlÀïÃæµÄworksheet1 return sheet except: print("locate worksheet in excel failed!") def insert_deta(): sheet = open_excel() cursor = db.cursor() row_num = sheet.nrows for i in range(1, row_num): # µÚÒ»ÐÐÊDZêÌâÃû£¬¶ÔÓ¦±íÖеÄ×Ö¶ÎÃûËùÒÔÓ¦¸Ã´ÓµÚ¶þÐпªÊ¼£¬¼ÆËã»úÒÔ0¿ªÊ¼¼ÆÊý£¬ËùÒÔÖµÊÇ1 row_data = sheet.row_values(i) value = (row_data[0],row_data[1],row_data[2],row_data[3]) print(i) sql = "INSERT INTO demo_yangben(xxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx)VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s)" cursor.execute(sql, value) # Ö´ÐÐsqlÓï¾ä db.commit() cursor.close() # ¹Ø±ÕÁ¬½Ó open_excel() insert_deta()
import pymysql import xlrd import sys ''' Á¬½ÓÊý¾Ý¿â args£ºdb_name£¨Êý¾Ý¿âÃû³Æ£© returns:db ''' def mysql_link(de_name): try: db = pymysql.connect(host="", user="xxx", passwd="xxx", db=xxx, charset='utf8') return db except: print("could not connect to mysql server") ''' ¶ÁÈ¡excelº¯Êý args£ºexcel_file£¨excelÎļþ£¬Ä¿Â¼ÔÚpyÎļþͬĿ¼£© returns£ºbook ''' def open_excel(excel_file): try: book = xlrd.open_workbook(excel_file) # ÎļþÃû£¬°ÑÎļþÓëpyÎļþ·ÅÔÚͬһĿ¼Ï print(sys.getsizeof(book)) return book except: print("open excel file failed!") ''' Ö´ÐвåÈë²Ù×÷ args:db_name£¨Êý¾Ý¿âÃû³Æ£© table_name(±íÃû³Æ£© excel_file£¨excelÎļþÃû£¬°ÑÎļþÓëpyÎļþ·ÅÔÚͬһĿ¼Ï£© ''' def store_to(db_name, table_name, excel_file): db = mysql_link(db_name) # ´ò¿ªÊý¾Ý¿âÁ¬½Ó cursor = db.cursor() # ʹÓà cursor() ·½·¨´´½¨Ò»¸öÓαê¶ÔÏó cursor book = open_excel(excel_file) # ´ò¿ªexcelÎļþ sheets = book.sheet_names() # »ñÈ¡ËùÓÐsheet±íÃû for sheet in sheets: sh = book.sheet_by_name(sheet) # ´ò¿ªÃ¿Ò»Õűí row_num = sh.nrows print(row_num) list = [] # ¶¨ÒåÁбíÓÃÀ´´æ·ÅÊý¾Ý num = 0 # ÓÃÀ´¿ØÖÆÿ´Î²åÈëµÄÊýÁ¿ for i in range(1, row_num): # µÚÒ»ÐÐÊDZêÌâÃû£¬¶ÔÓ¦±íÖеÄ×Ö¶ÎÃûËùÒÔÓ¦¸Ã´ÓµÚ¶þÐпªÊ¼£¬¼ÆËã»úÒÔ0¿ªÊ¼¼ÆÊý£¬ËùÒÔÖµÊÇ1 row_data = sh.row_values(i) # °´ÐлñÈ¡excelµÄÖµ value = (row_data[0], row_data[1], row_data[2], row_data[3], row_data[4], row_data[5], \ row_data[6], row_data[7], row_data[8], row_data[9], row_data[10], row_data[11], row_data[12], row_data[13], row_data[14]) list.append(value) # ½«Êý¾ÝÔÝ´æÔÚÁбí num += 1 if( num>= 10000 ): # ÿһÍòÌõÊý¾ÝÖ´ÐÐÒ»´Î²åÈë print(sys.getsizeof(list)) sql = "INSERT INTO " + table_name + " (time, xingbie, afdd, xzb, yzb, cfbj, jjlbmc, \ bjlbmc, bjlxmc, bjlxxlmc, gxqymc,gxdwmc, afql, afxqxx, cjdwmc)\ VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" cursor.executemany(sql, list) # Ö´ÐÐsqlÓï¾ä num = 0 # ¼ÆÊý¹éÁã list.clear() # Çå¿Õlist print("worksheets: " + sheet + " has been inserted 10000 datas!") print("worksheets: " + sheet + " has been inserted " + str(row_num) + " datas!") db.commit() # Ìá½» cursor.close() # ¹Ø±ÕÁ¬½Ó db.close() if __name__ == '__main__': store_to('demo', 'demo_yangben', 'xxx.xlsx')
转载请注明:谷谷点程序 » 使用python将excel数据导入数据库过程详解